Monitor the supply chain. Scan the internet and dark web based on OSINT. Monitor the footprint of suppliers, partners and mitigate risks.

There are the necessary cyber security risks associated with doing business with third parties. The impact of such a breach can be devastating, depending on how your business relies on the third party, what data or assets they access, etc.

Attack Surface Management and Third-party risk management (TPRM) provides an up-to-date understanding of how your business is exposed to the Internet and what needs to be done to protect it. The Rescana SaaS platform helps with the risk classification of new suppliers, risk assessment of existing suppliers and which cloud business discloses confidential information. And that without any installation by yourself or a third party.


The benefits of Rescana

Most TPRM solutions base their analysis – risk assessments and/or scoring to suppliers, partners or other third parties – on benchmarks. Rescana does not. Rescana identifies and manages the risks in the collaboration with suppliers in depth and in detail. This is done through screening and monitoring. Based on this, you can take targeted measures to reduce these risks. You determine the risk weight of a supplier yourself.

A law firm will not consider the florist who takes care of the flowers at the office to be a high risk factor. While that is different for a funeral director. If his supplier of flowers fails for whatever reason, this disrupts his business process drastically.

Helpful here are the specific data that Rescana offers for possible recovery support.

  1. Launching up-to-date digital audits in real time supports companies in meeting regulatory requirements. Rescana TPRM – which is based on Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) – can be deployed immediately without installation or configuration and is scalable to any company size.
  2. It provides clear dashboards of your internet and cloud usage and can generate custom forms. Possible risks within your supply chain become transparent, as well as potential vulnerabilities of the cloud services used.
  1. Rescana can also be used for Attack Surface Management (ASM). You enter your own organization and the platform searches the web – Dark Web, Deep Web – what is known about it. Have there been breaches? Which servers are marked as 'weak'. Are there any known phishing sites, or botnets and so on. Thanks to Rescana, shadow IT is no longer a blind spot in your cloud landscape.
  2. As a SaaS application, Rescana continuously monitors the footprint of third parties. As a result, it is always up-to-date in terms of compliance for AVG, NIS2 or other guidelines. In addition to automatic monitoring, you can of course also actively query a supplier. You can add your own questions to the system for this. Rescana offers companies the certainty that they have control over the risks they run through cooperation with third parties.


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Rescana Brochure 2024

Het voorkomen van datalekken via derden heeft topprioriteit. Daarom zijn Third Party Risk Management én Attack Surface Management essentieel. Rescana helpt bij het borgen van de continuïteit van de eigen operatie.

Focus Supply Chain Security

WP - Supply Chain Security I

Tot voor kort besteedde cybersecurity weinig aandacht aan de ondoorzichtige wirwar aan leveranciers achter de schermen.

Focus Supply Chain Security


Met intrinsieke voortschrijdende riskreductie is een organisatie veel beter opgewassen tegen de voortdurende evoluerende cyberdreiging.

Focus Supply Chain Security

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