Microsoft ARM

Microsoft ARM

Microsoft ARM (Azure Resource Manager) is the cloud management service used in Microsoft Azure for provisioning and managing resources. It provides a unified way to create, update, and manage resources in Azure by grouping them into resource groups and enabling you to define their configurations as JSON templates.

Key features and concepts of Microsoft Azure Resource Manager (ARM) include:

  1. Resource Groups: ARM organizes related Azure resources into logical containers called resource groups. This helps you manage and monitor resources as a single entity.
  2. Resource Templates: ARM templates are JSON files that define the desired state of Azure resources. Templates can include configurations for virtual machines, storage accounts, networking, and more.
  3. Declarative Syntax: ARM templates use a declarative syntax, allowing you to specify what resources you want and how they should be configured, rather than scripting the steps to create them.
  4. Template Deployment: You can use ARM templates to consistently deploy resources across different environments, ensuring that the configurations are standardized.
  5. Parameterization: ARM templates support parameterization, allowing you to customize configurations based on different scenarios or environments.
  6. Dependency Management: ARM automatically handles dependencies between resources, ensuring that resources are provisioned in the correct order.
  7. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): ARM integrates with Azure RBAC to manage access and permissions for resources and resource groups.
  8. Tagging and Metadata: ARM enables you to tag resources with metadata for easier organization, cost management, and tracking.
  9. Deployment History and Rollback: You can view the history of deployments and roll back to previous deployments if needed.

Microsoft ARM provides a consistent and scalable way to manage Azure resources, making it easier to provision, update, and maintain infrastructure as part of your cloud applications. It promotes best practices for infrastructure as code, helps improve automation, and enhances the overall manageability and governance of Azure resources.

Updated on 11 Aug, 2023
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