Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTP)

Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTP)

Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTP) is a concept used in the context of cybersecurity and cyberthreats to describe and categorize different aspects of attacker behavior and their methods of attack. TTP is a framework used to understand how attackers operate, what strategies and techniques they use, and what procedures they follow to achieve their goals.

Here is an explanation of each part of TTP:

1. Tactics: This refers to an attacker's overall strategic objectives. Tactics describe the higher level of what the attacker is trying to accomplish, such as gaining access to a system, stealing data, or causing disruption.
2. Techniques: Techniques are specific methods, tools, and approaches that an attacker uses to achieve desired tactical goals. Techniques include specific actions and steps taken, such as exploiting a vulnerability, using malware, or manipulating network traffic.
3. Procedures: Procedures are the detailed steps and processes that an attacker follows to perform the chosen techniques and achieve the tactical objectives. This often includes sequential steps that must be followed to perform a successful attack.

TTP provides security analysts and researchers with a structured way to understand, classify and analyze attack activity. By understanding the TTPs used by different attackers, security teams can more effectively prepare for and respond to cyberthreats. It also helps identify patterns and develop detection rules to monitor and detect suspicious activity. TTP analysis plays a critical role in threat intelligence and cybersecurity research.

Updated on 07 Aug, 2023
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